Spirograph, ink, graphite, latex paint, gouache, watercolor, kum-kum powder, tumeric, incense, fire and found objects.
2010 @ The Pittsburgh Center For the Arts from the exhibition Cluster.
Curated by Adam Welch February 5, 2010 - March 28, 2010

Curated by Adam Welch February 5, 2010 - March 28, 2010

Ganesh is the fifth installment in my continuing series (since 2001) of site specific wall drawings created utilizing a Spirograph, the 1960's drawing toy for children.
Ganesh (or Ganesha), is the beloved Hindu God with the head of an elephant (representing the Atman or soul), and a body in human form. Ganesh is known as The Lord of Beginnings, The Lord of Success and The Remover of Obstacles. He is one of the five primary Hindu deities, along with Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga. The first action in almost all Hindu pujas (devotional rituals) is to honor Ganesh.
I first started working with the Spirograph in 2001, and quickly discovered it's potential as a tool for meditative, ritualistic drawing practices. Around that time I also began a music project to facilitate my meditation and yoga practice, based on the concept(s) of mantra. I called it Loop Yoga. Loop Yoga utilizes sampled music in the creation of repetitious sound currents with the intention of deeply connecting to the divinity encased within a sound structure. Together I have dubbed these (drawing and sound) investigations The Loop Yoga Project. The ephemeral, mutable and repetitive elements of this work points towards the cyclical nature of life. I attempt to illustrate the idea that life is ultimately a spiritual process through which one can discover a deeper union with (a) timeless reality. View the complete set of images here on my Flickr site.
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